
-Draco's Spot-
Lalala...I posted. ^^
I do feel bad about the fact that most of my friends can draw fantastic people, but the only really decent drawing I seem to be able to do are of machinery or set design...
No site updates to speak of.

-Osiris's Spot-
So exciting afternoon/evening...I kinda cut myself. With an extremely sharp knife...1 1/2 inch long, 1/2 inch deep laceration...I'm in stitches for the next two weeks...I swear, when I get my hands on the dumbass who zipped tied that cable together I will destroy their soul. Bastards. YOU USE TIE LINE FOR THAT!!! Anyway, there should be a comic about it soon.

I have been officially inducted into technical theatre now. Learn from this; kill people before they have a chance to use zip tie incorrectly.

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