
-Draco's Spot-
I am a pretty cingular person, but there are some people who I need to be around or I get terribly depressed.
Sorry for the nature of mt comics the last few days. Remember that my comics are kind of like a blog sometimes, so bear with me.
If you missed yesterday's comic, just jump back like usual.
No site updates to speak of.

-Osiris's Spot-
Also, bear with his lack of typing skills for now; he's a bit...preoccupied. And if you missed yesterday's comic, or noticed that it was huge and cut off, hit that wonderful "Previous" button and you'll see that it's there and fixed. Again, the size error is due to Draco's preoccupied-ness. And as for me, I actually spent most of today in bed because I've been quite ill. (Yay Zicam for making it go away in 2 days!!!) I should be better by tomorrow, Thursday at the latest. Ja matta!

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