
-Draco's Spot-
For those of you wondering, what we say in the forth panel is Draco: "Nevermind, I found it." Osiris: "lol"
For those of you who are even more curious, yes that will be the ad for the store when it goes up. I've only got a few shirts designed right now, but more to come hopefully.
No site updates I can think of.

-Osiris's Spot-
I only didn't fix it because I didn't know the destination URL to replace the broken one....:( Also, my cosplay for JACON this year (and probably AFO as well) is official now! Dr. Benton Quest (go Jonny Quest!!!)/Rally Point. The second one was inspired by last year's AFO; our group kept splitting up and had difficulty finding everyone again. So we used my bright orange dragon vest as a rally point for the last day and a half, thus I became our group's official Rally Point (the Moogle Save Point was an alternative, but that's been stashed for the time being...). Also, everyone check out my DA page; I added two new Photoshop works and I'd like some opinions and suggestions from people who actually know what they're doing :)