
-Draco's Spot-
I'm so aghast my sunglasses turned white. The Cylons would have won so fast if they'd just shown that their males were better than us. Or maybe that my own insecurity leaking through. We knows.
Btw, we're supposed to be wearing lab coats. Suspend your disbelief or I shall do it for you! And it isn't comfortable when I suspend things. =D
No site updates I can think of.

-Osiris's Spot-
Damn Cylons, WHY ARE THEY SO SEXY!!!

So, is anyone reading these?? Because I kinda feel like I'm just throwing up useless words here...If you do in fact read these comments, (which only the truly loyal fans do) then you can let me know via the contact link on the right or above the comic. ;)

Buy our shirts! Buy our shirts! The ODCKS gods commandeth ye!