
-Draco's Spot-
(originally posted on 04/06/2008)
Sorry about the lack of comics over the last few days. Life tends to get in the way, you know? I don't think I'm going to do the JaCon comic now, simply because the topic has become stale. On to MetroCon!!!
Each console has it's fair place in the market, each having its own problems. There's a distinct lack of serious material for the Nintendo systems despite their technical ingeniuity, a problem which is now being remedied by developers such as Atlus (Baroque re-release ftw!!!). XBox360, despite having the broadest range of titles because of its relative age to the other two, still "bricks" rather easily. And by rather, I mean when someone so much as looks at it funny. And then there's the PS3...the only thing about which isn't stolen is its Blu-Ray tech. A brilliant move which I'm sure they won't regret...in a few years to come...
That being said, I'm still a huge Ninten-dork, and can't get enough of the many new strategy/RPG titles coming out. I'm also impressed and ecstatic that The World Ends With You is so freaking brilliant. My biggest complaint about Kingdom Hearts, designed by the same team as TWEWY, was that they didn't come up with their own characters and were Disney's bitches. For escaping the grasp of the mouse and creating something so awesome, I say bravo!
Finally, no I'm not a totaly hypocrite. In addition to all the gaming I've done lately, I'm also reading volume 9 of the epic Vampire Hunter D series as well as re-reading Sun Tzu's The Art of War. I apologize for the extra long journal post btw. ^^;
No website updates to speak of.

-Osiris's Spot-

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