
-Draco's Spot-
(originally posted on 26/05/2008)
Okay, so I'm really failing at posting comics recently...I truely apologize. It seems like all I do right now is sleep and work and sleep and work, and occassionally get to see my friends and loved ones. I have a few more comics on standby, waiting to be made though, so I'll get a few up today.
As you may have guessed from this comic, I'll be going to MetroCon this year. I'd hoped to go all three days, but the more I think about it, the more likely I'll just go on Saturday. I need to work...T_T
I also apologize for not having the JaCon review comic up yet...
No updates to our website to speak of.

-Osiris's Spot-
Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be able to go to AFO guys...sorry to all who were looking forward to it. I've got a bunch of crap going on right now that is just making AFO and JACON not possible. I should still be at JACON though. Damn life....

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