
-Draco's Spot-
Originally posted 20/09/08.
Yup, I'm getting a Mac soon. I've waited six years, and I'm finally about to have enough money to get one. Now, if only the American market can last long enough for me to get it...
Woo! Second comic! Be sure to check out the first! On a further note, I use the free home edition of the Avast! anti-virus program. It's brillant because it updates several times a day and is entirely free for home computers. Problem is that it can be a little aggressive sometimes, and when it and the powerful anti-hacking software from MapleStory meet it's a bad story. There's a pretty simple workaround for it that basically just involves making maplestory.exe an exception to scans, but I'd still like it better if Alwil authenicated MS and deemed it "officially" safe.
-ADDITIONAL-: I am not a game hacker. Avast! identifies the GameGuard anti-hacking software as a rootkit and won't let MapleStory run. That's the nature of this problem, so please don't report my MS character if you know my username. I've worked really hard to get as far as I have, and I don't want to start over.
No site updates to speak of.

-Osiris's Spot-
So many things going on right now...*implode*