-Draco's Spot-
Part seven of my seven Christmas comics! But you may get some Christmas fluff from me tommorow as well. >>
Hehe, Osiris would love it if it snowed year-round, but I'm cold in temperatures under 80 degrees and freeze if it gets under 70, so snow is an inconcievable horror to me.
So the 'Comic Calendar' is working and on all pages now. Its placement still isn't necessarily what I want, but it's there and working, so yay!
-Osiris's Spot-
Finally! I beat the damn Goron Mines! Jesus, that took forever. ...I never have time to play, Science dammit.
But yeah, Christmas! It's tomorrow! How about that? Merry Christmas everybody. And for every other holiday this time of year, Merry Christmahannakwanzica everyone!